
Who I Share It With

 "What I love most about my home is who I share it with."
-Tad Carpenter

Meet Who I Share It With:

The Husband
The Husband and I started dating May 2001. We were married May 2006. He is the hardest working guy I know. He is willing to go above and beyond for his family. He is my very best friend and I am so lucky to have him in my life. His favorites include: coffee of any kind, playing guitar, and fishing.  

Logan (Born: November 8, 2008)
Is. The. Coolest. EVER.
My first and only child is the silliest, smartest, most animated, little fellow I've ever been blessed to know. His favorites include: his mama(!!!!), pink, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, painting, snuggling, reading, and pretending. For even more on Logan and what he likes to do, check out my other blog

Smudge (Born Around: March 10, 2005)
Smudge was a rescue from the Humane Society. He is an indoor cat. Prior to coming to our house, he came from a house, where the owner had way too many cats, and the person had to give them up. He is the cat that acts like a dog. He loves human companionship. He is very smart. At our old apartment, he figured out how to open the doors and turn on our bathtub. Some of his nicknames are: Insky, Smudge-a-budge, and Smudgy. Some of his favorites include: furry mice toys, treats, soft food, sitting on the back of the couch, looking out the window, kisses on the head, and getting into new places to explore.

Scout (Born around: September 1, 2006)
Scout is our other fur-baby. He is another rescue from the Humane Society. He had been abandoned as a kitten in a trailer park. Now he spends his days indoors and is spoiled! He is a sweet cat. His nicknames: Scouty, Scout-about, and Captain McFluffenstuff. His favorites include: balls with bells in them, snuggling by my feet in the bed, laying in the sun, and sometimes hiding.